Cityscape16 tagged Photos
A police station entrance with a blue POLICE sign above the door, flanked by two flags on poles, and Asian characters on the door's glass
A traffic signpost featuring a no parking sign and another indicating the end of a restriction, with Chinese characters below the English word End, set against an urban backdrop with a high-rise building
A cement mixer truck on a city street with tall residential buildings in the background under an overcast sky
Vertical banners with Asian characters hang above a street, partially obscured by a tree, with a glimpse of a high-rise building in the background
A street sign reading Shanghai Street with Chinese characters below, in an urban setting with pedestrians, a convenience store, and traffic lights in the background
A bus stop sign with the number N40 and a list of bus routes 1, 1A, and 9, set against an urban backdrop with buildings and a glimpse of a storefront
A green taxi parked beside a column with a green pharmacy cross sign, in an indoor setting with a high ceiling and visible infrastructure The photo is rotated 90 degrees to the left
A nighttime scene with a traffic light displaying a red stop signal and a countdown timer set at 03 seconds Snowflakes are visible in the air, illuminated by a streetlight, and a blurred white car is in motion in the foreground
A nighttime cityscape viewed through a window, featuring illuminated skyscrapers and foliage in the foreground
A nighttime cityscape featuring the illuminated Oriental Pearl Tower amid surrounding skyscrapers
A night sky serves as the backdrop for a dramatic upward view of several towering skyscrapers, showcasing their modern architecture and illuminated windows
Skyscrapers reach towards a blue sky with scattered clouds, with the tallest one shrouded in a light mist at the top A city street with traffic lights and a pedestrian crossing is visible in the foreground
Zifeng at night
Through lenses
Tower in the sunset